* Svago

Mister Italia 2019, vince il natural body builder Rudy El Kholti

Lo scorso 14 settembre a Lignano Sabbiadoro si è tenuta la finale di Mister Italia 2019, conclusa con la vittoria di Rudy El Kholti.

Il concorso dedicato alla bellezza maschile ha incoronato un cittadino del mondo, premiato tra l’altro dalla prima Miss Italia nera Denny Mendez. Il 29enne di Costermano sul Garda (provincia di Verona) è infatti figlio di un’italiana e un marocchino, ha studiato a Madrid e vive in Australia, dove ha acquisito la cittadinanza e lo scorso luglio ha trionfato come “natural body builder” in un’altra gara, l’Icn World Championship. Il body building non è tuttavia la sua professione, infatti Rudy lavora in banca.

La prossima sfida che dovrà affrontare è Mister Mondo 2020, in cui rappresenterà il Bel Paese.


Le foto di Rudy El Kholti su Instagram


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THANK YOU 2018 ? . I’ve learned so many things this year, especially about people: ✴FOLLOW YOUR GUTS: when you have the feeling that something is not right about a person, just trust your gut feeling, most of the time it’s right ✴LET THEM TALK: lots of people try to put you down simply because they are either jealous or envious and they try to say bad things about you but you just have to learn how to deal with it if you want to be successful. Not everyone can be your friend ✴CARE LESS: how many times we stop ourselves because of other people opinion? It’s YOUR life and you should do what make YOU happy, and no one else ✴BE CONSISTENT: set yourself a goal and go for it! It doesn’t metter if you will take 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, don’t stop until it’s achieved! I wish everyone who loves me a Happy 2019 and to those who hate me an even happier one ? . . . . #modelo #fitnesslife #workout #training #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnessbody #fitnessgoals #gym #gymtime #gymlife #abs #dedication #committed #commitment #fitfam #mylife #fitlife #followmyjourney #fitnessaddict #getfit #youcandoit #noexcuses #instagood #fitnessmodel #photooftheday #dreambig #dontquit

Un post condiviso da RUDY EL KHOLTI (@rudyelkholti) in data:


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