Eurovision 2020, i Paesi Bassi scelgono l’artista gay surinamese Jeangu Macrooy

Per il secondo anno di fila i Paesi Bassi scelgono di essere rappresentati da un artista LGBT+ all’Eurovision Song Contest: dopo essersi aggiudicati la vittoria con il cantautore dichiaratamente bisessuale Duncan Laurence, gli olandesi puntano sul cantante gay Jeangu Macrooy. Dopo alcune indiscrezioni trapelate negli ultimi giorni, il membro del comitato di selezione Eric van Stade ha ufficializzato la partecipazione dell’artista alla competizione canora che si terrà a Rotterdam dal 12 al 16 marzo.

«Sono indescrivibilmente onorato! – ha dichiarato Jeangu Macrooy – È un sogno diventato realtà, la cosa più bella che mi sia capitata finora. Io e il mio team siamo entusiasti di rendere orgogliosi i Paesi Bassi!». Anche van Stade si è detto entusiasta della scelta, commentando il brano in gara che verrà pubblicato nelle prossime settimane: «La canzone che ha consegnato ci ha toccato subito. Siamo molto felici che Jeangu voglia intraprendere questo viaggio insieme a noi!».

Jeangu, che è originario del Suriname ma vive ad Amsterdam, ha anche parlato di quanto sia importante che un cantante surinamese dichiaratamente gay abbia una tale visibilità: «Ho un palcoscenico per innescare il cambiamento. Spero di poter essere significativo per tutti quei giovani del Suriname che scoprono la loro sessualità e realizzano di essere diversi».


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Thank you Berlin ?❤?

Un post condiviso da Jeangu Macrooy (@jeangu_macrooy) in data:


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I remember the anxiety as if it was yesterday. • “Mom, there’s something I want to tell you…” • She’d just come home from work, and we were sitting at the kitchen table. Just the two of us. I’d rehearsed it so many times. Still, it took at least 10 minutes of awkward hesitation before I uttered my confession. The words stumbled out of my mouth. • “Mom, I think… I think I’m more into boys than girls.” • There was no weight that lifted off my shoulders. Contrary to what I’d expected, I didn’t feel the relieve that I was so in need of. As the reality of my truth dawned on me, I was overcome with sadness. How would I ever survive in a world that hates people like me? How would I ever be able to pursue my dreams? Who was ever going to love me? The panic was rapidly building in my chest. There was no way back. I’d jumped off the edge, and my whole life would come crashing down. • But then she broke my fall… • “Why would that change anything about my love for you? I will love you for everything you are.” • Words that changed my life. Without a doubt, the love and support of my mother gave me the courage to face the rest of the world with pride. Ultimately, it gave me the courage to truly love myself. Which, as we all know, is the greatest love of all. • I am, however, painfully aware that I’m one of the lucky ones. Too many parents disown their own flesh and blood. Too many kids end up on the streets. Too many are killed. Too many beautiful souls take their own life, because the world makes them believe that they are worthless. They are not. We are not. • I will wave my rainbow flag fiercely until the whole world understands that love is the only answer. Anyone who says otherwise is, in fact, in need of love. My heart goes out to all the members of our community who are living in isolation, fear, and to the ones who are struggling to survive. If you’re reading this I want you to know that there are actually people in this world who will not only accept, but passionately celebrate all that you are. We are here for you. Keep holding on. One day you will get to be every color that you are! • ❤️?️‍? HAPPY COMING OUT DAY ?️‍?❤️ • Love always, • Jeangu

Un post condiviso da Jeangu Macrooy (@jeangu_macrooy) in data:


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Thanks for having us @wavesfestival! ???? • • • #wavesfestival #texel #circusmacrooy #HORIZON #horizonsummertour #festivalseason #jeangumacrooy

Un post condiviso da Jeangu Macrooy (@jeangu_macrooy) in data:

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